Although HTC One max once said that due to order problems, may only use the old Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core processor, and on the recent re-transmission of information, it seems likely to use Android 4.3 and HTC Sense 5.5 interface. But in another wave of rumors, it seems likely that it will be further equipped with a Snapdragon 800 processor operating at 2.3GHz.

According to a newsletter published by Steve Hemmerstoffer on the personal Twitter page of website, which revealed the specific HTC One max hardware specifications, it will include the Qualcomm APQ8064 processor with a working clock of 1.7GHz, which is the later Snapdragon 600 processor. At the same time, it is also sure to carry 2GB of memory, 32GB of storage space, in addition will also provide 16GB and 64GB capacity specifications, and can expand 32GB capacity through microSD memory card.
As for the operating system part will be equipped with Android 4.3, as well as the new version of HTC Sense 5.5. The fuselage also maintains the original rumor of 5.9-inch 1080P specifications, weighs 130 grams, and maintains built-in Beats Audio sound technology.
But with respect to the processor specification, there seems to be news that the HTC One max will still be able to carry the Snapdragon 800 operating at 2.3GHz. However, the current specifications have not yet been confirmed by the official and are expected to be formally announced on October 22 (However, HTC expects to hold new aircraft announcements in advance in China and Hong Kong, and relevant specifications should be confirmed in advance).

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