Panasonic India introduced two new variants based on its Varicam movie production camera, Varicam HS and Varicam 35. The company has developed a new generation of P2 cards to record these Varicam products. The expressP2 card provides transmission speeds of up to 2.4 gigabits per second and is designed to capture 4K or high-speed HD images. The expressP2 card provides 72 minutes of recording time and contains a flash error correction system, which is equivalent to a reboot system that allows it to recover from a failure.
The Varicam 35 incorporates a newly developed super35mm ​​MOS image sensor with a variable frame rate of up to 120 frames per second for image processing. It can provide a variety of recording formats. VARICAM HS offers a smooth slow-motion effect, recording HD video at 240 frames per second without buffer memory. Varicam HS cameras are used to produce extraordinary high-definition images that can be applied to the most demanding documentaries, sports or special effects in slow motion.
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