The power adapter is a power supply that uses modern power electronics technology to control the ratio of the turn-on and turn-off of the switch to maintain a stable output voltage. The power adapter is generally composed of a pulse width modulation (PWM) control IC and a MOSFET. The cost of both power adapters and linear power supplies increases with increasing output power, but the growth rates vary. The linear power supply cost is higher than the power adapter at a certain output power point, which is called the cost reversal point. With the development and innovation of power electronics technology, the power adapter technology is constantly innovating. This cost reversal point is increasingly moving to the low output power end, which provides a broad space for development of the power adapter.

1. The installation of DC lightning arrester was proposed in the recently released lightning protection standard, because the residual voltage of the DC lightning arrester is much lower than that of the AC lightning protection device, so it can effectively improve the sensitive equipment in the communication power adapter communication station to resist lightning. The ability of electromagnetic pulses.

Second, the modern communication power adapter is unattended, all have remote monitoring functions, such as remote signaling, telemetry, remote control, and the associated signal line interface has a long communication distance, which is extremely vulnerable to damage caused by inductive lightning and causing downtime and other accidents. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Information Industry, the corresponding signal lightning arrester should be installed to protect it.

Third, the lightning protection of incoming power cables is easy to attract attention, while other power lines that enter and exit communication stations are often neglected, such as lighting street lights, tower lamp power lines, and non-telecom facilities to lease telecom power lines. It is now advisable to use solar tower lights to reduce the number of lightning strikes. Other outgoing power lines should be within the protection range of the lightning protection system, otherwise special lightning protection measures should be taken.

Fourth, the multi-stage arrangement of the lightning arrester can reduce the extra residual voltage brought by the lead inductance, because the front-end lightning protection device has discharged most of the lightning current into the ground, and the lightning protection device in the latter stage only discharges a small part of the lightning. The reduction in current, lightning current, necessarily results in a reduction in additional residual voltage on the leads. In order to ensure the energy coordination of the front and rear stages of the lightning arrester, the length of the power cable between the lightning arresters should be no less than 15 meters, otherwise the decoupler should be used for energy coordination.

5. The lightning protection capability of the lightning arrester is closely related to the installation method. The main reason is that the lead inductance will generate additional residual voltage. The connection between the power line and the lightning arrester and the lightning arrester and the grounding junction board should be shortened as much as possible. The length of the line.

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