When humankind is about to enter the 21st century, the world's environmental protection calls are getting louder and louder. The environmental and energy situation is deteriorating day by day. As a large household that pollutes the environment and consumes energy, cars are receiving much attention and the environmental pollution is small. The “green car engine” with certain development prospects has become a hot spot for the development of the competition of various automobile companies in the world. Due to the differences in the distribution of resources and the strength of science and technology in various countries, the types of "green car engines" developed are also different. Here are some of the "green car engines" introduced by auto companies.
1. Alcohol Engines In the 1960s, some countries were interested in low-polluting alcohol engines for the purification of internal combustion engines. Alcohol fuels mainly refer to methanol and ethanol. They all have the characteristics of simple use, storage and transportation. The source of methanol is very rich and can be prepared from coal and natural gas, and ethanol can be prepared from sugar cane, starch plants, and wild plants. Therefore, some agriculturally-developed countries pay special attention to developing ethanol fuels.
The existing gasoline engine requires only slight modifications to burn alcohol fuels. Currently, alcohol engines have been developed in Japan, the United States, and Brazil.
Alcohol fuels also have some drawbacks; such as cold start, air resistance, and swelling and corrosion of plastic and rubber parts. According to another study conducted by scientists from the US Department of Energy's Argun National Laboratory, although ethanol as an alternative vehicle fuel reduces HC and CO emissions, it also increases emissions of other pollutants. A field study conducted by Microsoft Corporation of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, found that the use of ethanol-fueled engines led to an increase in the sales of acetaldehyde and toxic substances called nitro-peroxycarbonyl (PAN) in vehicle exhaust, and acetaldehyde in the atmosphere. The activity is much higher than ethanol. They react with other traits in the atmosphere above the city to produce PAN. Once this toxic PAN is produced, if the conditions (especially the temperature) are appropriate, it can last many days in the air, not only toxic to the plants. It also has strong irritating effects on human eyes. This toxic PAN can spread through the air. Lagologists at Argonne National Laboratory believe that although these pollutants are not universally controlled, their potential impact on human health and the environment should receive sufficient attention in addressing the impact of alternative fuels on air quality. Despite the above shortcomings of alcohol fuels, its own advantages may become one of the "green fuels" in the future.
2. Natural Gas Engines Engines powered by natural gas have been used for more than 50 years. It can be said that the technology for humans to develop natural gas engines is quite mature. Natural gas is a natural resource produced in oil and gas fields and gas fields. There is a lot of storage on the earth. The biggest advantage of natural gas engines is low emissions: CO emissions are 1/15 of gasoline engines, HC emissions are 1/5 of gasoline engines, SO2 emissions are 1/10 of gasoline engines, and CO2 emissions are 4/ of gasoline engines. 5, In addition, the natural gas engine will not cause lubricating oil dilution, which can prolong the life of the engine, and it can also reduce the car noise.
At present, natural gas vehicles are used in many countries in the world. In order to encourage the use of natural gas vehicles, some countries also subsidize natural gas vehicles. It is believed that when the gas stations are all changed to gas stations, the real meaning of “green cars” is. "era.

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