High power semiconductor laser chip is the cornerstone and source of the entire laser processing industry chain. It is the precondition and guarantee to realize the compact size, light weight and stable power output of the laser system. It can be widely used in advanced manufacturing, medical beauty, aerospace, Security and other fields. Europe and the United States and other developed countries in the high-power, high-efficiency semiconductor laser chip research in the lead, the current domestic high-power semiconductor laser, single tube is greater than 5W, single bar is greater than 40W almost all rely on imports, severely restricted China's laser technology Industrial development.

Xi'an Light Machine Thousands Project Distinguished Specialist Professor Yang Guowen Xi'an Institute of light twelfth five-year "one three five" self-deployment project "high efficiency, high power semiconductor laser chip research" after a year of technological research and made significant progress . In the country, it took the lead in breaking through the key technologies of high efficiency, high power chip design, low stress, low defect material and device fabrication process, high damage threshold laser cavity surface treatment, FMA failure mechanism analysis, etc .; completed the autonomy of four high-end semiconductor laser chips Development task. Among them, 100 watts of semiconductor laser chip electro-optical conversion efficiency reached the international best level, more than the performance of similar international devices. The project developed more than 20 high-efficiency and high-power semiconductor laser chips, published 2 papers of SCI and applied for 9 patents. The project recently passed the check acceptance.

The achievement of "High Efficiency and High Power Semiconductor Laser Chip Research" has broken the long-term dependence on imports of high-end semiconductor laser chips in China and provided the core support for the major application needs of "Made in China 2025" and "Internet +".

Self-developed high-power, high-efficiency semiconductor laser bar chip

Auxiliary Machines

Auxiliary crushing machines, also known as secondary crushers, are used in the mining and construction industries to further break down and refine raw materials after primary crushing. These machines are designed to handle larger and harder materials that cannot be processed by primary crushers.

Auxiliary crushing machines are typically used in conjunction with primary crushers to achieve the desired final product size and shape. They help in reducing the size of the raw material and improving the overall efficiency of the crushing process.

Multilayered Vibrating Screen,Circular Vibrating Screen Machine,Spiral Sand Washing Machine

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