The maximum raw ore feeding size is determined by the mining method and mining scale of the original ore. For example, the open pit mine has a maximum grain size of 450~1400mm according to the nature of the ore and the mining scale. When the underground mine is mined, the maximum grain size of the ore is 200~600mm.
The final particle size of the comminuted ore smelting purposes or sorting decision, such as: iron ore is easily reduced at the blast furnace, the optimum feed particle size 5 ~ 30mm; When using spiral chute for heavy minerals roughing operations, the best the feed particle size 0.05 ~ 0.6mm; when using shaker sorting tantalum, tin, tungsten, a noble metal concentrate and black, the optimal feed size 0.038 ~ 2mm.
At present, any crushing and grinding equipment can only work within a certain range of crushing ratio. It is impossible to achieve a one-time grinding to a very fine, to meet the requirements of smelting or sorting. This requires different crushing and grinding equipment to be connected in series. In turn, the purpose of the large crushing ratio is achieved.
Commonly used grinding processes are broken - rod grinding - ball milling, crushing - ball milling (- ball milling), crushing - semi-self-grinding - ball milling and self-grinding (semi-self-grinding) - ball milling and other processes, affecting the process There are many factors to choose from, such as the nature of the ore, equipment performance, medium consumption and energy consumption in ore crushing, and construction investment. For example, the effect of ore properties: When dealing with clayey ore, the use of a semi- autogenous mill can eliminate problems such as crusher plugging cavities and low screen screening efficiency in conventional processes; when dealing with brittle ores (eg tungsten, tin and antimony) In order to reduce the over-grinding of minerals during the grinding process, the crushing-rod grinding-rod grinding (or ball milling) process is generally used. Currently, I have broken grinding process ore beneficiation plant uses two broken - rod mill - milling.
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