The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan (MOEA) has announced new standards requiring all indoor warm white LED fixtures to have a minimum efficiency of 70 lumens per watt, while cool white LEDs must be more efficient, achieving a minimum of 75 lumens per watt. According to the Taiwan Energy and Energy Bureau (BOE) report, in 2013, lighting electricity accounted for 10.9 of total electricity consumption, and residential lighting accounted for 40% of total lighting power. The Global Lighting Association (GLA) welcomed the move, and GLA representative Michael Ng said The minimum efficacy requirement should be set at such a level that quality products can be widely used at an affordable price. Michael Ng said: From the standpoint of GLA, we support the lowest level of performance of lighting products worldwide, and the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs is a good example. Michael Ng is also the director of the international affairs of the Taiwan Association of Lighting and Lighting Industry. He added that at the same time, there must be sufficient supervision and punishment in place to ensure that suppliers are honest and reliable, and the standards used are internationally uniform. When the reporter interviewed Iain Mcrae, the director of global lighting applications at Thorn Lighting on this standard, he said: This is an interesting change in the situation, which is obviously to discourage the use of high color temperature, perhaps to encourage retailers or manufacturers to adopt standards that are easier to comply with. Warmer light. I wonder if this will have a knock-on effect.

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