On January 12, 2016, Chairman of Fast Group, Yan Jianbo and Deputy General Manager Wang Fengbo met with the visiting general manager of product development at Ford Turkey Company at the Fast Industrial Xi'an High-tech Factory Research Institute. …
In the initial stage of construction, central enterprises such as Dongfeng had to carry out large-scale package work and solve the problems of food, clothing, housing, and transportation. However, in t…
The three categories refer to environmental quality standards, pollutant discharge standards, and environmental protection standards and method standards.
The two levels mean that China's environmental standards are divided into two levels, national and local. The local level is…
500 mm milling width, maximum 210 mm milling depth, 92 kW water-cooled diesel engine, however these bright parameters do not fully explain the many features of the Bomag BM500/15.
Spiral classifier mainly used for the production of metal beneficiation process, according to the different settling velocity of the mineral particles, the ore is size classification. The spiral classifier can be divided into…
With the increasing number of cooperation projects between Continental Group and the China Automotive Technology and Research Center (referred to as the China Automobile Center), the Continental Group decided to sign a strategic cooperation agreement…
Millions of older people, manual laborers and cancer sufferers could be unable to use their fingerprints to log in to online bank accounts, Money Mail can reveal.
…Muito obrigado pelo seu apoio e aprecio sua confiança ao longo dos anos.
Convidamos sinceramente você e os representantes da sua empresa a visitar nossa exposição na 122nd Autumn Canton Fair 2017 de 15 de outubro a 19 de outubro de 2017. …

Dry magnetic separator is one of the widely used equi…
Seeds are a special kind of living material. Therefore, special care must be taken in the storage of seeds. In general, due to the high storage requirements of seeds and the difficulty of satisfying the requirements of ordinary storage, it is necessary to use professional seed st…